FAQ: Diamondsong - Escape: Unique Fantasy Series
For the most up-to-date information about the status of our project, check our project updates on Kickstarter!

Are you going to Kickstart all ten volumes?

We don’t think so. That sounds exhausting. We don’t have the full plan figured out; a lot of it will depend on how this one goes. But don’t worry - all ten volumes will be released and on a reasonable schedule. But a campaign is needed now as the illustration and map costs are expensive and all up front. If we can earn enough to cover future editing costs, we hope to be able to sell them with traditional pre-orders, and perhaps focus future Kickstarters on upgrades like audio or hardcover editions. We just don’t know yet and a lot of it depends how this campaign goes. We do wish we were selling more of our existing books so that pre-orders weren’t so crucial, but we aren’t there yet. Hopefully the perseverance is appreciated. We are very grateful for your continued support—and please continue to spread the word about Bell’s writing. All backers to this campaign will be kept up-to-date on future installments one way or the other. Join us! : D

Last updated: December 31, 2017 05:43

Is the series appropriate for teens?

Diamondsong is written for adults but is appropriate for teen/YA audiences. This series has an intentionally low level of violence, some sexy scenes (later on in the series) but no explicit sexual content, and only in-world swearing (no actual f-bombs). It’s a parental call whether children should read it, but we’d let our kids. But, you know, our kids hang out at bars. So.

Last updated: December 31, 2017 05:43

Does Bell’s writing have an agenda or political slant?

I don’t see it that way. I do like to offer ideas and perspectives, but it’s always important to me that 1) everyone can enjoy my stories and 2) that people think for themselves. So I really like when people say my writing makes them think. That said, Diamondsong is all about the storyline. It’s meant to be interesting but not heavy (unless you want it to be). As for political slant, I consider my ideas socially progressive but not politically specific. I have readers (and thoughts) across the political spectrum and I hope my work speaks to all of them, either through ideas or just enjoyment of a story. So, like, no tricks here. Just read and enjoy.

Last updated: December 31, 2017 05:43

Why is the project marked LGBTQ?

No backing down on this topic. The series is LGBTQ-friendly (LGBTQIA, all of it) and includes characters of various gender and orientation, including non-binary, trans, pi/pan, ace, and aro. Why are there queer characters in fiction? Because there are queer characters in life. Representation matters. I want to think we are in a world where this is a non-issue, but sadly, we aren’t. I’ve had people walk up to my table at events, point to LGBTQ-friendly on my little whiteboard, mutter to each other and walk away. I’ve had people explain that they “love me” but can’t support my fiction because they can’t support equal rights because of their religious convictions. I even had an author on Kickstarter—who said they used my projects as inspiration to set up their own—tell me they couldn’t share my project out because that would be promoting immorality to children. So, I don’t want to have to make such a big deal about something being friendly to regular old queer people. But if I don’t say it, people spread innuendos about why it shouldn’t be supported but don’t say their real reason why, which helps no one. So I have decided to take an overt stand and wrap it in rainbows. If you are gay or queer in any way, this project is friendly to you. And I will continue to write inclusive fiction no matter how many sales I lose on the topic. If you are queer in no ways at all, you should still enjoy the project - but, hmm, that does sound sorta boring. And I will also add - I am particularly grateful to my trans readers. Your road is still difficult in this society. I admire, respect, and stand by you.

Last updated: January 07, 2018 16:31

What is vegan-friendly fiction?

I usually don’t admit this snarky response in public, but every time someone stops at my booth and says they can’t imagine what vegan-friendly fantasy is, I think, ok, that’s from someone who has never read fantasy as a vegan. Every scene is glorifying fine leather boots, and feasting on a fine hock of ham, and then mounting a fine steed on the way to battle. So if you’re not a vegan (and/or not interested in non-violence themes), it’s just a different perspective in fantasy. Not just characters eating veggie stew (mmm), but also not glorifying violence. Not making prowess in battle the mark of a hero. Not making a woman strong because she’s violent but because she is not. So, you know, try reading something a little different. I hope you love it! And to those of you who are vegan, oh, I’d really love your support. I’ve had a lot less traction in our community than I had hoped. I think part of it is vegans don’t tend to read fiction. Well, maybe there’s a reason why! All the ham hocks! Let me be your gateway to wild fiction adventures to come. And, you know, air hugs to fellow vegans. I’m with you and I see and hear you.

Last updated: December 31, 2017 06:34

Bell! Where’s the hardcover?

I know! I know! I want to do it, but it’s such an investment and I still haven’t sold as many of my previous hardcovers as I wanted to by now. I can’t afford a second storage unit, you know. Let’s make this successful and spread the word about my previous novels, and we’ll get there. If you have any preferences on a single limited edition hardcover, versus groupings of two or five volumes or even a limited run of each of the ten, I’d be interested to hear them. Lemme know.

Last updated: December 31, 2017 05:43

Are there any Content Warnings?

Diamondsong intentionally features very little violence. This was a challenge I gave myself. I cannot say no violence, but there will be no sexual violence. A primary plotline is based on an inherently violent, non-consensual act, but it is not depicted. There will be characters with varying physical and mental abilities, with best intent of treating these subjects with respect. Later in the series, a character will have a substance addiction. There will be topics of illness and contagious illness. The characters have flaws and display traits like classism and speciesism. If you have a specific concern, please ask.

Last updated: December 31, 2017 06:35

Is the release definitely July?

Not definitely. But it should be this summer; I have a lot of incentive to start getting Part I available at events, especially by GenCon in early August. So if anything, it could move to the left. I’m not able to be more specific quite yet, but I’ll let you know as soon as we have a release date.

Last updated: December 31, 2017 05:43

Why is the international shipping so high?

We wish it were lower! We will ship the books using the United States Postal Service lowest rate: International First Class (for single books) or International Priority Mail (for multiple books due to the weight limits). Our shipping rates barely cover those costs and don’t include our packaging.

Last updated: December 31, 2017 05:43

How do you handle international customs declarations?

We understand that Kickstarter is not a store – you are supporting a creative project and independent writing with your generous pledges to make this project a reality. The rewards you receive are a thank-you for that support. However, the IRS and US Customs offices don’t allow for rewards to be considered “gifts” for customs declarations. We are required to declare the books as merchandise with the standard retail value per book. If your pledge is higher than standard retail value (e.g. a limited edition or increased pledge level), we will still only declare the standard retail value. You will be responsible for any VAT or import duty charged by your local customs office. We understand that supporting a Kickstarter from another country come with these extra expenses and challenges and we are extremely grateful to have backers from all over the world! (With your support, maybe the author can sign books in all these wonderful places someday.)

Last updated: December 31, 2017 05:43

Is that the cover?

No - it’s a lovely stock image that looks a bit like the city of Lodon. I do like the wing, but also a stock image. We’d love a more custom cover but funds will determine how far that goes.

Last updated: January 02, 2018 12:32

Is you question not answered here?

If you need any assistance with a specific reward selection, customization request, etc, please email us at [email protected].

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Last updated: February 14, 2018 06:53

Shipping Updates
For the most up-to-date information about the status of our project, check our project updates on Kickstarter!

Current Estimated Shipping Date: June 2018

Last Updated At: 05/04/18 | See Kickstarter Update
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